Bright Futures Congo
Hi. I'm Kanhai Mehta. a 16-year-old from the UAE and these incredible children are my friends from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
In August 2023. I embarked on a life-changing journey to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was a place I could never have imagined world of poverty. mismanagement. and harsh living conditions.
However. what impacted me the most during this trip was my time volunteering at an orphanage with children aged from 4 to 19. I taught them some basic English. some business skills and even meditation. We explored beautiful places and made some wonderful memories. By the end of the trip. I was truly saddened to leave.
On my way back home. I had an undeniable urge to create a positive and lasting impact on these children. something that could truly change their lives. On my very first day at the orphanage
I noticed the older kids' enthusiasm for crafting handmade accessories. This inspired me to start a brand that would offer something authentic. coming straight from the creative spirits of these children: Bracelets.
And so, 'Bright Futures Congo' was born. These unique bracelets reflect the rich culture of the Congo and Africa at large. The artisans behind our handcrafted products are these children, who make them in their spare time after school. They're the real heroes, and every purchase from Bright Futures Congo goes toward supporting their dreams.
My goal is to enable these children to finance a new house with proper amenities and have access to more food and lead better lives.
Together. we can make their futures brighter.