At WIS we welcome children with a variety of learning preferences, including students of determination (students with special education needs and disabilities). This includes students with cognitive and learning challenges, communications and interaction challenges and students who have physical, sensory, medical, emotional, social, cultural or language challenges, alongside students who are more able, gifted and talented.
Delivery of Learning
Our commitment to High Performance Learning ensures we meet the individual needs of all learners, and the effective use of additional adults adds targeted support where needed. We are proactive in identifying and managing barriers which may limit achievement, participation and progress. This ensures we can provide quality education for all.
Ensuring Progress
Targets are personalised to be appropriate and challenging, and students are assessed through formative and summative assessments with level appropriate or differentiated materials. Where appropriate, IEP targets aim to develop the learning skills of students in order to support progress and further improve access and independence.
The school has an embedded ethos of student assessment, feedback, reporting and pastoral care. Students are regularly consulted with respect to their experiences in school. Students are encouraged to be welcoming of others and are taught to celebrate their differences.
We believe a strong school and parent partnership is key to the success of the student. We have regular parent consultations, both individual and group, parent meetings, and a comprehensive reporting cycle. Parent voice is sought and an open door policy is in place for the parents involved with the Inclusion Team. Inclusion parent engagement sessions are held at least once a term for information, celebration or question and answer sessions.
Whole School Approach
WIS has a whole school approach to Inclusion and our Inclusion Support Team comprises the Principal, Head of Inclusion, Senior Leader, Inclusion Champion and the Inclusion Governor. A Learning Support Assistant, a parent and a student are also invited where appropriate. We also have a highly proactive Inclusion Action Team who ensure the Inclusion agenda is a high priority in every area of the school.
Please share full details of any special educational needs, individual education plans (IEPs) and any Educational Psychologist, Pediatric, or other specialist reports (e.g., Speech and Language or Occupational Therapy) if completed. Sharing educational history with GEMS Wellington School prior to a place being offered is essential so that staff can ensure an appropriate assessment of educational need, educational plan and resourcing is in place. Admission is not conditional on the submission of a medical diagnosis and we have effective transition processes in place for all children.
Students are not refused admission based only on their experience of a special education need or disability (SEND) and we give sibling priority for admission to students who experience SEND. Staff follow KHDA guidance and procedures for scenarios where, very rarely, it may not be in the best interests of the child to be placed in GEMS Wellington International School. This information will be shared with the KHDA, following expected procedures.
Higher Potential and Higher Performing students (More Able, Gifted and Talented)
‘A rising tide lifts all ships.’ (Joseph Renzulli, 1998)
WIS believes that effective practice for Highest Potential and Highest Performing students is invariably good practice for all children. We encourage creative and critical thinking within the context of meaningful and stimulating experiences. Additional targeted provision for identified students to meet their unique needs enables maximum talent development.
Inclusion Resources
Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework
Implementing Inclusive Education – A Guide to Schools
Directives and Guidelines for Inclusive Education
Advocating for Inclusive Education - A Guide for Parents