Thank you for joining us at the


We hope that the virtual roadshow was able to give you a flavour of what the GEMS Wellington Schools can offer your child.

At GEMS Wellington International School your children will experience an enabling, inclusive environment which will inspire them to achieve and succeed.

For more information about GEMS Wellington International, please click on the links below to download some useful documents. And do not hesitate to contact us directly if you require more details or if you would like to arrange a tour of our school.

Maryssa O'Connor

British Premium Schools, Group Lead

WELCOME TO Wellington International School!

"I am deeply committed to ensuring students are given every opportunity to experience exceptional learning opportunities in enabling environments - safe, happy, challenged and successful."


See some useful links below:



Explore All Our Curriculums

Click on the links below to explore:

  • lower-school

    Lower School

    Through a rich, diverse and exciting curriculum offer, our students develop into well rounded, confident learners pursuing ‘excellence’ in all that they do.

  • middle-school

    Middle School

    As our students move into the middle school, they start to access subject specialists in every area of their learning.

  • upper-school

    Upper School

    Upper School promotes an incredibly strong sense of independence, where students take pride in their achievements.

  • ib


    We take great pride in promoting academic excellence as well as individual betterment and endeavour.

Be Amazing at WIS 

Our Student Stories

Next Steps